
Dirndl Skirt with Pockets and Piping - no elastic, no zippers, and NO pattern!

For my very first post here on YeYe I'm going to show you how to make a super simple dirndl skirt with a minimal amount of materials and absolutely no pattern. It is literally just five rectangles! All you need is your waist measurement and a little, tiny bit of math. This skirt is very simple but the trick to elevating it is the piping. Piping makes everything look instantly fancier. And adorable. So adorable.

Just measure your natural waist (instructions here) and fill in the blanks!
  • _____ (waist measurement) + 1" s.a. + 1" ease + 2" placket = _____  (waistband)*
  • _____ (waist measurement) x 1.5 = _____ (skirt)
  • _____ (skirt) / 2 = ____ + 1" s.a. = _____ (skirt BACK)
  • _____ (skirt) / 4 = _____ (skirt FRONT)
  • _____ (desired skirt length) + 1/2" s.a. + 1 1/2" hem = _____ (skirt length)
  • placket = 3" wide, _____ (skirt length)" long
  • pockets = see full instructions
*see full instructions for info on waistband height

We are making this skirt with 1/2" seam allowances (s.a.). Ease is what will allow you to breathe and move when you put your skirt on later, so, pretty important. If you prefer a fuller skirt (or if you have larger hips and know you'll need more room), change the 1.5 in the second line to 2. Why does the skirt FRONT measurement not have any seam allowances added? Are you stupid? Nope, not stupid, just trying to keep it simple. The placket (where the buttons go) is one inch wide (when finished). One inch is the amount of seam allowances we'd be adding to these skirt FRONT pieces. So instead of adding them and then subtracting later since we're adding width with the placket, let's skip all that and let it work itself out for us. To find your desired skirt length hold your tape measurer to your body with the 0 right at your natural waist letting it hang straight down to the floor. The number on your tape measurer in the general region where you'd like your skirt to hit is your desired skirt length.

These are the results using my own (26.5") waist measurement:
  • 29.5" waistband
  • 40" skirt (rounded up)
  • 21" skirt BACK
  • 10" skirt FRONT
  • 16.5" skirt length

  • Fabric (e.g. bed sheets from the thrift store)
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Buttons (the smaller they are the more you need)
  • Stitch witchery
  • Piping (store bought or make your own!)

Also suggested:

Soundtrack: Chantal Goya radio OR if you like to watch movies while you sew: Beat Girl (1960)

OK! Do your math, gather your supplies, put on some tunes and get psyched!

Next up: cutting your pieces.

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